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Ristopub Da Lorenzo


Located at the heart of the Trient Sports Center, right across from the football stadium, the Da Lorenzo Ristopub invites you to enjoy its Italian specialties—and much more! We also offer burgers, meat and fish dishes, as well as daily lunch menus. During matches, our football cantina and its snack bar are also available.

Our entire menu is available for takeout. Additionally, our spacious dining room and terrace are perfect for hosting private events, group meals, business gatherings, or themed parties.



  • Car park
  • Take away
  • Terrace


  • Italian cuisine
  • Hamburger


Ristopub Da Lorenzo

Ristopub Da Lorenzo

Tuesday - saturday : 11.00-22.00

+41 27 764 34 21


Chemin du Trient 11
1904 Vernayaz

Social media

Location / Access

GPS coordinates :
46.1325343697377, 7.045374512672425

Partially wheelchair-accessible Partially wheelchair-accessible
Parking place partially wheelchair-accessible Parking place partially wheelchair-accessible
Toilets not wheelchair-accessible Toilets not wheelchair-accessible
More details on proinfirmis.ch